Consistency creates expertise, but doesn’t leave a lot of room for innovation.

Leaders ask a lot of themselves every day. They’re more hands on than ever, managing multigenerational teams who are more frequently apart than together. So much is changing. And in this competitive and unpredictable era, making space for personal or organisational growth is hard, but worth it.


Work with me when your business is stuck, and needs someone with experience to ask the right questions.
Or if you need an active facilitator to help a group of people create a plan together.
Or if you're struggling to find the confidence, or courage, to make some changes and need to talk it out.


All people and projects approached with empathy, humour, common sense and some healthy challenge.

  • For Founders and leaders of independent creative companies.

    You’ve been through massive change, or you’ve had to change in response to the world freaking out. How did your model hold up? What did you learn about your strengths as a team, as a model, as a business? What on earth is NEXT?

    Together we can workshop an action plan built on your values, and your finest hours in business. Using mission and vision development, we’ll set goals and consider all the ways you could hold true or pivot to make the most of the current market. We’ll challenge your thinking, explore options and make sure that you have a robust, ethical and exciting plan to execute.

    Facilitated workshops

  • For any creative company.

    The industry is moving fast, towards all sorts of new paradigms and global priorities. Do you need some step change at senior level to keep pace with the change? Do your leaders feel at odds, or out of alignment?

    Take a day (or two) to bring together the most senior people in your business. A potent mix of group thinking and provocation. What could you smash out together in that 48 hours?

    Using collaborative workshopping techniques, we’ll reconnect, problem solve and plan together using present day as context. Break down “bubble” thinking and address the most current organisational, social and cultural challenges that your business is facing.

    Facilitated workshops

  • For anyone, at any level, who would like support and another perspective.

    Very much a two-way street. In these confidential sessions we’ll build on your thoughts and ideas together. I’ll openly share my own experiences to help you avoid reinventing the wheel when it comes to advancing your career. We’ll prioritise our focus as you encounter new professional situations.

    It’s a safe moment to think through challenges and develop strategies. Or to ask those pointy questions that you may be worried will backfire or be taken the wrong way. I’ll be a constructive ear to listen (and challenge) and give a kind but always honest external POV - all to help you become comfortable and confident enough to make excellent career choices.

    One to one sessions - 45 mins

    Retained monthly hours available.

  • For all businesses, everywhere.

    I’m an advisor to the wonderful social enterprise TING, who provide strategic consultancy on all things DEI as it relates to community and culture. They’re perfect for companies who want to walk the walk on diversity and inclusion.

    Marginalised groups have a huge cultural challenge when entering historically white middle-class work environments. Being ready to receive and support EVERY person who graces your company is a leadership fundamental.

    Unlocking government subsidies in order to bring much-needed apprentices into your business is also a fine art. We can help! Flood your business with brilliant young people from all walks of life. Go on.
